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Pure Imitation Maranie

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Well, I think we're gonna stick a fork in this. Pure Imitation Maranie is done. At least until I can waylay someone with lots of HTML knowledge and even more patience to help me fix the code on this site.

But never fear, my faithful reader(s?), I've started a new blog. Sure, it's just a blogger template, and geeks shall laugh and point at the vast lack o' technical skillz involved in the making of it, but it's a bit more important to me now.

I don't know how to say it, how things aren't quite the same in my hierarchy of What's Really Important right now, but here goes:

I'm nine weeks pregnant, folks.

It's pretty much all-consuming, so things like Farscape getting cancelled and whoever's blog I haven't been to see in a while have really taken a backseat. (Not saying Farscape's cancellation doesn't totally suck ass, don't get me wrong, but I can't really get too worked up about it right now. I've got this strange voice in my head now, one that wasn't there before, saying "It's just a TV show!" - blasphemy back in July, but the World As I Know It as of today.) So a new blog was absolutely necessary. I can't just shut the hell up (anyone who knows me should know that by now!) but I can't really use this place as a forum anymore.

I can't delete this damn thing, either - I'm too vain or something for that. (Although I'm seriously bumming over the new lack o' comments - I liked reading through the old ones from time to time, sentimental fool I am.) And who knows, maybe something non-baby related will move me enough to post in the future. But until then, sorry folks, I'm a broken record. I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant. And that's all that really matters right now. :-)

posted by Maranie on 10/03/2002 12:43:00 PM

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Hmmm....It looks like I fucked up some of my code during my fruitless attempt to update my Comments. Oh well, I've already wasted half of my lunch break screwing around with the thing, and that would be the SECOND half, so off I go.

This might be my good excuse to end the blog, too. If I can't get this fixed, then I will most certainly do so. I mean, I'll probably start a whole new blog (with the help of those pre-made templates, which I'm not horribly fond of but beggars can't be choosers) but the subject matter will be entirely different. Presuming, of course, I'll have enough time to work on it. I've had a lot of truly important things on my mind lately, making the total lack of places that sell Fray around here and other such trivial matters seem, well, trivial. (At least I don't seem to have missed an issue since I stopped buying back in June.)

I can't get into it here. At least, not now, but definitely later. If you can stand the poor coding on this site, then stay tuned, kiddies, the best is yet to come. :-)

posted by Maranie on 10/01/2002 01:07:00 PM

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

God do I feel like hell. But I'd better not be disturbed tonight between 8 and 9 p.m, 'cas my ass will be planted on the sofa to watch the season premiere of Buffy! Whoo-hoo!

I'm just hoping I don't forget to watch it. I've been out of the habit of tuning in every week over the course of a pretty eventful summer. Plus Jason and I need to make a run to Meijer tonight, and I fear I'll forget and go at 8. Ah, well, what with all that's been weighing on my mind lately, I'd say that if this is the biggest of my concerns, then things are going pretty well. :-)

posted by Maranie on 9/24/2002 11:50:00 AM

Friday, September 20, 2002

This could be a good thing, exposing the masses to anime. Or Disney might completely fuck it up. Or they'll lose too much money on the venture due to that part of the population who is constantly saying "That's weird, I don't understand it and therefore I don't like it and will put it down for any reason," you know, the people who made "Swimfan" the Number One movie in America, and will balk at every trying something so risky again.

posted by Maranie on 9/20/2002 12:26:00 PM

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Would someone please explain to me why you can't nap at work on your lunch hour?

I know people with offices sometimes can. But here I am, stuck in a cubicle in a busy hallway. If someone in charge walks by and doesn't know I'm on lunch, I'm in trouble. If someone important is being shown around (like a judge), then I'm in trouble. And even if everyone is cool with it, and if I'd get fair warning before any VIP's showed up, that still doesn' t change the constant noise, uncomfortable desk, and the receptionist buzzing me every five minutes for calls I won't take until lunch is over.

All I know is, I'm exhausted. My eyes won't focus on the bloody screen anymore. I just want to conk out for about 15 minutes or so. And frankly, I don't think that's too much to ask for.

posted by Maranie on 9/17/2002 12:36:00 PM

Friday, September 13, 2002


Probably old news to some of the faithful readers here, but a total shock to me. Dammit! Jason and I watch hardly any TV at all, but we always tune in for Farscape. Best sci-fi show out there, hands down. I can't believe they'd ever dream of yanking it!

I've signed a petition. I'm having Jason sign a petition. And if you follow the above link, YOU can sign a petition. Anything to keep this show on the air. Jason and I just started watching last year. I haven't even seen all the eps yet, and now I'm wondering if it'll be too late.

posted by Maranie on 9/13/2002 12:25:00 PM

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Yeah, we're not skittish enough today without this happening. And yay me for being in downtown Columbus right now. :-P

posted by Maranie on 9/11/2002 03:17:00 PM

Comments by: YACCS